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The Association “Symptoms of happiness”, led by Marco Voleri, finds its reasons to be in realizing, organizing and managing initiatives aimed at the promotion of culture and art education in Italy and abroad, with the final goal of helping and promoting awareness about Multiple Sclerosis.

The main goal is communicating how through the weakness of a desease you can convey the strength to live life at its fullest, to nurture a hope, to fulfill your dreams. All this through classical music and opera, highly empathic by nature, with the double result of raising awareness on both a cultural-artistic level and about MS.

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In 2013, after the release of the book “Sintomi di felicità” (“Symptoms of happiness”, Sperling&Kupfer), a long jouney began, one made of emotions, stories, encounters and music. There have been more than 60 presentations, from Sicily to Valle D’Aosta, from China to the European Parliament in Brussels. Marco Voleri met many people, afflicted or not with MS, and tried to gather all the energy he received in one ambitious project: organizing a music tour to tell a new, positive story through art. In spite of multiple sclerosis. In the same year the “Symptoms of happiness tour” started.


Sacred music, a piano player, a string quintet, a tenor and a narrator. A collaboration with the music conservatory G. Verdi in Milan starting in four Italian cities: Bari, Florence, Rome and Milan. An intense year in which Marco Voleri, thanks to his testimony, spread new symptoms of happiness. A year we invested our energy in a project we strongly believe in: raising awareness about “the world” of Multiple Sclerosis through art and music. The tour went on in 2014 and 2015.


In 2016 the definitive step: eight stops in Lombardia with 30 artists involved: celebrities from classical music environment, theater and television. All of this to achieve with the greatest strength the target the Symptoms of happiness Association was born for: uniting three different worlds, three universal languages like art, desease and spirituality. To bring three apparently distant worlds close together and say how beautiful and sublime the gifts of listening, of sharing, of thinking positively can be.

What is a gift? Not something you should pay for, but something which can’t be bought!

Support the Symptoms of happiness Association, your donation will contribute to finance our projects. You can do this by bank tranfert using the bank details which follow, or by paypal clicking on the button below
Associazione Sintomi di felicità
IBAN: IT46 N033 5901 6001 0000 0074 964

Offering a gift is being happy in making someone else happy. It’s a way to feel like you belong in the same community of friends.